Kristi Noem Says Puppy Voted Illegally in 2020

Pierre, South Dakota –Embattled South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem now claims that she shot her dog Cricket not simply for being aggressive but also because she voted illegally for Joe Biden in the 2020 Election as part of a massive Democratic Party voter fraud scheme. While Noem’s critics say her most recent rationale for dragging …

Tucker: “I Hate Him Passionately” in the Positive Way

Tucker Carlson wants everyone to know that he loves Donald Trump now and always has. Appearing on Bo Snerdley’s WABC radio program Monday, the Fox talk show host expressed outrage that his private text messages were made public as a result of the Dominion lawsuit against Fox and insisted that his January 4th, 2021 text …

Sean Hannity: Deep Deep State

How insidious is the Deep State? It’s so insidious that even apparently stalwart patriots, such as Fox News personality Sean Hannity, can be secretly carrying out its sinister designs. How else can one describe Mr. Hannity’s January 10th, 2020 text message to Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and Congressman Jim Jordan that “He (Trump) …

Critical Race Theory Stormed Capitol January 6th Republicans Say

Republicans have yet another theory about who really attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 6th. According to Tucker Carlson and Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert, critical race theory, the graduate school framework for U.S. History, which claims systematic racism is embedded in all the major institutions of American life, disguised itself as hardcore Trump supporters that …

Jailed January 6th Rioter Now Realizes He was Antifa All Along

Mike Jaworski was sure he was a staunch supporter of former President Trump. He voted for Trump twice, attended several rallies where he screamed “build the wall” and “lock her up,” and had a thirty foot long Trump flag in front of his home. He flouted COVID 19 restrictions, contracted the disease, gave it to …

A Guide to Groveling at Mar-a-Lago for Republicans

So you’re an ambitious Republican seeking advancement and you jettisoned any trace of dignity, integrity, self-respect, principles or independent critical thinking in time to catch the great MAGA wave that OUR GREAT LEADER rode into the White House in 2016. Or maybe you hung back, criticized HIS obvious lies, stood on principle and pledged to …

Fox Fires White Supremacist Tucker Carlson for White Supremacy

Fox Corporation fired popular white supremacist talk show host Tucker Carlson Tuesday for comments he made last week endorsing a white supremacist conspiracy theory. Fox CEO Lachlan Murdoch, who made the announcement Tuesday night, was clearly livid that Carlson had espoused the “great replacement” theory during an appearance on Fox News Primetime. The theory promulgates …

Georgia Republicans Pass Law Banning Alien Abductions and Anal Probes

Atlanta, Georgia–Republicans in Georgia, fresh off their Election Integrity Law triumph, passed a law prohibiting alien abductions in the Peach State on Friday. The law, dubbed “The Alien Abduction Integrity Act,” which also outlaws the use of anal probes by extraterrestrial visitors on Georgia residents, sailed through both houses of the state legislature in a …

Kemp Signs “George Wallace Election Integrity Law” in Georgia

Atlanta–Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed the sweeping election law passed by Republicans and named in honor of election integrity pioneer George Wallace on Thursday. While critics have argued that the law was designed to address baseless claims of election fraud and suppress the minority vote, Republicans have steadfastly maintained that not passing the law would …