Washington, D.C. Republicans are righteously decrying the tyranny of the Democrats’ new voting reform bill H.R. 1, vociferously pointing out that the bill, which passed the House on March 3rd, would arrogate to the federal government powers traditionally delegated to the states.

“This bill evokes dark memories of the Voting Rights Act of 1965,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell thundered on the Senate floor Tuesday. “Just as that shameful piece of legislation allowed the federal government to force state governments to let anyone, even those who had been successfully prevented from voting for generations by those states, to vote, this bill will open the door to all sorts of unqualified and ineligible miscreants who invariably vote Democratic.”

Democrats have tried to justify their power grab with the threadbare excuse that Republicans in 43 states have proposed some 250 new restrictive voting laws in response to the election fraud they claimed took place in the 2020 election based on their super strong feelings rather than evidence.

The despotic, anti-democratic bill makes election day a holiday so workers would not have to take off work to vote, provides for a nationwide automatic voter registration which would allow voters to opt out rather than opt in, requires Super Pacs and dark money organizations to make their donors public, ends partisan gerrymandering, requires presidents to disclose ten years of tax returns, provides funds for publicly financed campaigns, and prohibits voter purges for trivial things such as not voting in a single election.

As Senator Mike Lee of Utah soberly pointed out last week, “This is a bill as if written in hell by the devil himself.”